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High Bond Acrylic Foam Tape Replaces Rivets and Screws

High bond acrylic foam tape can replace rivets, screws, and other hardware in various applications due to several key properties:

Presbond's best selling acrylic foam tape is our PHB5145 series, we offer this in 108' lengths (36 yards or 32.91 meters) and have stock on multiple widths. We also carry a product line of optically clear high bond acrylic tape, this tape is water clear and constructed of pure acrylic adhesive that solidifies for a permanent bond after it has cured.  

1. Adhesion Strength: High bond acrylic foam tapes have excellent adhesive properties that can create strong, durable bonds between different materials, including metals, plastics, glass, and painted surfaces.

2. Flexibility and Conformability: The foam structure of the tape allows it to conform to irregular surfaces and distribute stress evenly. This flexibility helps in absorbing vibrations and impacts, which can be beneficial in dynamic environments.

3. Stress Distribution: Unlike rivets and screws that concentrate stress at specific points, high bond tape distributes stress across the entire bonded area, reducing the risk of material fatigue and failure.

4. Ease of Application: Applying tape is generally faster and easier than drilling holes and installing screws or rivets. This can save time and labor costs in both manufacturing and assembly processes.

5. Aesthetic Benefits: Tape provides a clean appearance without the need for visible fasteners. This can be particularly important in applications where aesthetics are a critical concern, like in automotive or electronic device manufacturing.

6. Sealing Properties: High bond acrylic foam tape can act as both an adhesive and a sealant, providing additional protection against moisture, dust, and other environmental factors. This sealing capability can replace the need for separate sealing materials.

7. Thermal and UV Resistance: These tapes are designed to withstand a wide range of temperatures and resist degradation from UV exposure, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications.

8. Weight Reduction: By eliminating the need for metal fasteners, the overall weight of the assembly can be reduced. This can be especially beneficial in industries like automotive and aerospace, where weight reduction is a critical factor for performance and fuel efficiency.

9. Enhanced Design Flexibility: Tape allows for joining complex shapes and thin or lightweight materials that might be challenging to secure with mechanical fasteners. This can enable more innovative and streamlined design possibilities.

10. Noise Reduction: The foam structure of the tape can dampen noise and vibrations, which is advantageous in applications requiring soundproofing or noise reduction.

While high bond acrylic foam tape has many advantages, it's important to assess the specific requirements of each application, such as load-bearing capacity, thermal conditions, and environmental exposure. In some cases, a combination of tapes and mechanical fasteners may be the best solution.

Check out our full line of double sided foam tape options today online. If you do not see something, contact us know and we will do our best to add it for you or point you in the proper direction to find a solution that fits your application.